David B. Pearson

7447 Monique Place

Rohnert Park, CA 94928




Languages: Java [J2EE, EJB, servlets, JDBC, JNDI, Swing, AWT] (advanced), XML (advanced), SQL (advanced), PHP (intermediate), HTML (expert), CSS (intermediate)

Software packages: Android, Oracle/Sun JSDK, JRun, JDOM, XMLC, ANT, Apache, Microsoft SQL Server, ColdFusion Enterprise Server, Oracle, Netscape Enterprise Server, JBoss Application Server, WebSphere Application Server, WebLogic, Visual Age for Java, Eclipse/WebSphere Studio Application Developer, JBuilder, JDeveloper, JUnit, Struts, Tiles, Spring, Hibernate, DB2, HTMLunit, Selenium, EasyMock

Operating Systems: Windows XP/Vista/7, Solaris, Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu), Android


Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform

Work Experience

Wells Fargo, San Francisco, CA.

Application Systems Engineer, July 2010-present.

Developed features for the Wells Fargo mobile banking applications. Researched, designed and developed the Mobile Deposit feature of the Wells Fargo Android application. Worked on adding the features of Inter-Financial Institution monetary transfers and person-to-person monetary transfers in the Via Email or Mobile tools. Various maintenance and enhancements. Designed and implemented a BlackBerry App World accessing script to download and verify the integrity of the Wells Fargo BlackBerry app. Performed continuing maintenance on the Wells Fargo Android application. Environment and Tools: Android, Tomcat, WebLogic, Eclipse, Struts, Beehive, Windows XP, HTMLunit, Selenium, EasyMock.

Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA.

Adjunct Faculty, January 2001-present.

Instructor of HTML, Java Programming (with Android projects), PHP Programming and Introduction to Apache. Wrote Web Application Development with PHP course proposal and developed course materials, walked proposal through the approval process and now teach the class during spring semesters. Environment and Tools: JDK 1.6, Eclipse, JBuilder, Macromedia HomeSite, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Linux, XML, JDOM, XSLT, Apache, PHP, HTML, XHTML, SQL.

Bricsnet FM, Novato/Petaluma/San Francisco, CA.

Sr. Software Engineer, February 2005-June 2010.

Developed components for the Bricsnet Enterprise product. Components developed include Enterprise Java Beans, Hibernate data access objects, Struts web applications and supporting database tables and views. Led application integration with WebSphere Application Server and JBoss Application Server. Architected unit testing infrastructure. Designed and implemented architectural changes to the web services infrastructure. Assumed Engineering Manager's role when unavailable (department management, project planning and prioritization, technical resource on clients calls). Environment and Tools: JBoss Application Server, Orion Application Server, WebSphere Application Server, Eclipse, Struts, Hibernate, MS-SQL Server, Windows XP.

Federal Reserve Bank San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.

Sr. Java Developer (contractor), October 2004-February 2005.

Developed components of the United States Treasury FedDebt debt collection system that manages and tracks over $2.6 billion in collections each year referred to the Treasury by other Federal agencies. Designed and built batch and web applications to manage Payment Agreements and debt state conflict detection. Components developed include Enterprise Java Beans, Spring managed components, Hibernate data access objects, Struts web applications and supporting database tables and views. Environment and Tools: WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Studio Application Developer, Struts, Tiles, Spring, Hibernate, DB2, Windows XP.

Charles Schwab, San Francisco, CA.

Sr. Java Developer (contractor), March 2004-October 2004.

Performed software maintenance on client’s web site, SchwabInstitutional.com, providing account management and securities trading facilities to Investment Advisors. Evaluated, designed and implemented change orders requiring modifications and additions to Java Server Pages, Java servlets in an Model-View-Controller framework (both Struts and homegrown). Architected site wide data privacy solution, prepared Rational Unified Process documentation, presented solution to inter-departmental reuse committee and implemented solution. Identified and solved SEC compliance issues. Debugged multiple “show stopper” issues in WebLogic 8.1 migration; worked with BEA to develop and validate patches. Environment and Tools: BEA WebLogic 8.1, Eclipse/WebSphere Studio Application Developer, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL, Windows XP, Solaris 8, Oracle TopLink, Struts, Rational Unified Process.

Williams-Sonoma, San Francisco, CA.

Lead Developer (contractor), June 2003-March 2004.

Technical Lead on the implementation of Williams-Sonoma.com's large scale e-commerce site. Lead a team of four other developers in planing, designing and implementing the presentation layer of the application. Ensured team members adhered to technical standards including Model-View-Controller design, program execution performance optimization and code maintainability. Designed and built Java batch processing jobs to prepare and transmit catalog data to business partners in XML formats. Worked with systems adminstation staff to build a caching server of the e-commerce site for replication by the Akamai Edge Suite caching services. Environment and Tools: ColdFusion Enterprise Server 5.0, ColdFusion Studio 5.0, CVS, Oracle 9i, Windows 2000.

Charles Schwab, San Francisco, CA.

Sr. Java Developer (contractor), June 2002-June 2003.

Performed software maintenance on client’s web site, SchwabInstitutional.com, providing account management and securities trading facilities to Investment Advisors. Evaluated, designed and implemented change orders requiring modifications and additions to Java Server Pages, Java servlets and Java Swing applets in an Model-View-Controller framework (both Struts and homegrown). Wrote technical analysis of moving existing search engine from public access servers to protected network and implementation of a proxy service to provide public access. Environment and Tools: BEA WebLogic, IBM Visual Age for Java, Eclipse/WebSphere Studio Application Developer, Oracle 9i, PL/SQL, Windows NT, Solaris 8, Rational Unified Process.

Hall Kinion & ICplanet, San Rafael & Petaluma, CA.

Web Engineer, Feb 2001-June 2002.

Architected new Application Service Provider modeled job board and staffing solutions system using J2EE systems including Enterprise Java Beans, servlets, and Java Server Pages. Implemented system served over 80 branch offices in 45 markets and 1,400 recruiters. Worked with Project Manager and staffing agent representatives to ensure system design incorporated needed functionality for recruiters. Designed and implemented full functionality of resume posting and searching, job seeker search for jobs and apply online, posting job orders and candidate management. Designed XML DTDs for receipt of data from third parties. Environment and Tools: Macromedia JRun 3.1, JDK 1.3, J2EE 1.2 (EJB, servlets, JSP, JNDI, Java Mail), ANT 1.3, JDOM, Xerces, MS-SQL Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Apace 1.3, JBuilder 6, Windows NT, Windows 2000, ColdFusion Studio 4.2, Linux (RedHat 7.2), Photoshop 6, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, SQL.

Web Engineer (ICplanet), May 2000-Dec 2000.

Developed various system enhancements for destination web site, including a redesigned Search interface, promotional pricing and purchasing module, co-branding techniques, site wide error handling routine and resume "completeness" scoring system. Development was completed with ColdFusion and Java servlets. Actively participated in system rearchitecture brainstorming and planning sessions. August 2000-November 2000: performed additional duties of Interim Web Development Manager including supervising ColdFusion programming staff of six and HTML development staff of two; managing development resources, scheduling projects, conducting code reviews, interviewing employee candidates. Acquired by Hall Kinion. Environment and Tools: ColdFusion 4.5, Fusebox methodology, MS-SQL Server 7.0, JDK 1.2, JRun 2.3, ColdFusion Studio 4.5, Windows NT, Solaris 2.6, HTML 4.01, SQL.

Contractor (ICplanet), February 2000-April 2000.

Developed the Independent Contractor's "Search for Projects" section of the ICplanet.com 1.0 web site, as well as the "Job Post" and "Company Profile" modules used throughout the site. Designed and implemented additions and changes to supported the specified functionality. Built the interface to a JRun servlet engine hosted search engine using XML (Web Distributed Data eXchange – WDDX). Web implementation was performed in ColdFusion with a Microsoft SQL Server database. Environment and Tools: ColdFusion 4.5, Fusebox methodology, MS-SQL Server 7.0, JDK 1.2, JRun 2.3, ColdFusion Studio 4.5, Windows NT, Solaris 2.6, SQL.

AbsoluteAuthority.com, San Jose, CA.

Contractor, September 1999-December 1999.

Developed the contracting developer's area for system development. This included a time accounting system, user management utilities, and web based database development tools. Designed and implemented security and permission structure. Web development was performed in ColdFusion with a Microsoft SQL Server database. Environment and Tools: ColdFusion 4.0, MS-SQL Server 7.0, ColdFusion Studio 4.5, Windows NT, SQL.

Fair, Isaac & Co., Inc., San Rafael, CA.

Senior Software Developer, 1998-May 2000.

Developed web based enterprise applications as a member of the IT department's Enterprise Applications group. Worked with users to gather system requirements, designed, developed, implemented and provided support for these systems. Most applications involved the design and development of custom workflow systems. Other applications included a order entry and fulfillment systems, an intranet portal and corporate wide calendar systems. Introduced ColdFusion to the Fair, Isaac enterprise environment. 95% of all development was done using Allaire's ColdFusion with an Oracle database. Most applications built were implemented using the Fusebox methodology. Environment and Tools: ColdFusion 4.0, ColdFusion Studio 4.0, Solaris 2.5, JDK 1.1.7 Windows NT, Netscape Enterprise Server 4, Oracle 7, PL/SQL, JBuilder 4, SQL.

Web Application Developer, 1997-1998.

Lead the final implementation, system integration and the coordination of efforts of several Fair, Isaac divisions for the CrediTable® Online system, an extranet service implemented in Java around a proprietary application server framework and Fair, Issac's first online offering of credit bureau reports. Supervised progress of the project development by the students at University of Virginia. Integrated the students work into development, test and production environments on the Fair, Isaac network. Identified and designed a solution for a major design flaw in the students system. Produced design/software requirements and specifications, and implemented an administration system for the CreditTable® Online system. Designed and implemented the Java to CICS interface. Integrated Netscape's Certificate Server, Directory Server and multiple instances of Enterprise Server, Oracle Database and CICS based proprietary credit scoring system with the core CrediTable® Online Java application servers. Consulted with other divisions on their Internet offerings. Installed and configured NT development platform. Environment and Tools: Windows NT, Windows 95, OS/2, CICS, JDK 1.1.5, JBuilder 3, Apache 1.2, JRun 2, Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5, Netscape Certificate Server, Netscape Directory Server, SQL.

Analytic Products SAS Programming Services Manager, 1996-1997.

Managed department of 12 SAS programmers. Prioritized project processing for department based on Project Managers’ input and demands. Created programming library for department. Moved internal documentation from PC file server to Intranet. Developed SAS macros for use by programmers and Project Analysts. Developed & maintained UNIX tools for department, including remote mainframe program submission utility, SAS code generators, interactive programs that generated SAS code and submitted program to mainframe. Began process of converting demand based project processing to planed and scheduled project processing. Developed new hire training plan. Interviewed candidates. Trained new hires.

International Analytic Products Team Leader, 1995-1996.

Lead team of two other programmers in demand based processing environment. Interviewed candidates for programming positions in Analytic Products SAS Programming Services. Trained new hire. Lead development of process documentation using text documents and web pages. Spearheaded department practice of creating process flow diagrams for individual projects as a documentation and historical tool. Updated project prototype programs for use on the DynaMark mainframe. Developed a program in C to analyze a CreditDesk® Extract file and generate SAS code that will read the file. Developed a program in C to create a formatted dump from CreditDesk® Extract data.

Production Programmer, 1995.

SAS programming on UNIX, MVS and PC environments. Worked on International AP and Behavior projects independently of supervisor within three months of starting. Developed UNIX utility for creating hex dumps of disk data. Customized and installed CreditDesk® at client site, for the purpose of application information data entry, trained client’s data entry personnel.


Bachelors of Science, Computer Science, California State University Chico, Option: Systems, GPA 3.4, Fall 1994.

Associate of Science, Computer Science, Sierra College, Rocklin, CA, GPA 3.52, June 1992.

Military Service

US Naval Reserve, 1988-2001, Achieved the rank of Builder 2nd Class (E-5), Member in Naval Construction Battalion Eighteen, Detachment 0818 since 1993, have held the positions of Assistant Operations Petty Officer and Training Petty Officer. Had temporary security clearances (Secret) on an as needed basis.